Environmental Pragmatism

 Environmental Pragmatism

Kyle Brewster

Merriam Webster Dictionary defines the word pragmatic as “relating to matters of fact or practical affairs, as opposed to idealistic”. It is no surprise there exists a branch of philosophical thought that has the desire to apply practical thoughts to decisions and justifying decisions. Pragmatism was an American philosophical movement founded by C.S. Pierce and William James that sought to use practical considerations of consequences to guide ones’ actions.[1] Just as the scientific method is used as the standard to provide the objectivity in the scientific community that we enjoy today – in the form of advancements in medicine, healthcare, technology, energy, and etcetera – objectivity with a pragmatic approach can be used to justify political decisions.[2]

In contemporary politics, political discussions pertaining to protecting and advocating concerns of the environment are framed in many ways: environmentalism, the fight against climate change, being “ecologically considerate”, caring for the planet, sustainability, or under a myriad of other names. A pragmatic approach provides a perspective that is free of the theoretical/emotional arguments that often tend to be a dominating force in these discussions. Such an objective analysis can help guide policy-makers to the most practical decision, both in terms of taxpayer-provided resources and the environment.

While the scope of role of government is often debated, it is directly stated in The Constitution that one of the purposes for its existence is to promote the general welfare of its citizens.[3] Thus, maximizing the benefits while minimizing costs (monetary, tangible, and intangible) to American citizens is and ought to be a foremost goal of the government.

One of the costs that could arise resulting from negligence of environmental concerns can be found with global warming. NASA defines global warming as changes in Earth’s climate system due to human activities that result in increasing levels of greenhouse gases which trap heat within the atmosphere. The warming can result in changes in local and global average weather patterns.[4] Some examples of changes in climate and weather include recurrent flooding, droughts, desertification, wildfires, and thawing permafrost.[5] According to the NOAA 2018 Global Climate Summary, the temperature of land and oceans has increased at an average rate of 0.13 degrees Fahrenheit per decade since 1880. Since 1981, the average rate of increase has doubled.[6]

These effects of global warming can be a direct cost to citizens, which is able to be measured and observed with an analysis of government expenditures that is funded by tax dollars (or borrowed money, which will accrue interest that will be paid by taxpayers upon repayment).  Consider the US Department of Defense. Gradual sea level changes increase the effect of storm surges and may lead permeant flooding of properties. The adverse effect of this can be illustrated with Joint Base Langley-Eustis (JBLE) in Virginia, which has experienced fourteen inches in sea level increases since 1930. The property has a three-foot mean elevation above sea level, which amplifies the effect of flooding.[7]

JBLE has a beneficial effect on the local economy, with a valued total economic impact of $2.9 billion and resulting in an indirect creation of 13,989 jobs.[8] In an analysis of eighteen military bases at risk (including JBLE), recurrent flooding and rising sea levels is expected to have adverse effects. By 2070, half of the sites in this analysis could experience 520 or more floods annually. By 2100, eight bases are at risk of losing 25 to 50 percent of their land due to rising sea levels, with four installations at risk of losing 75 to 95 percent of their land.[9]

This study included only eighteen of more than 1,200 installations operating under the Department of Defense. A three-foot increase in sea levels would threaten 128 Department of Defense installations along the coasts with an estimated value of over $100 billion.[10] These numbers exclude overseas installations and non-Department of Defense installations, which would result in further local economic impacts and loss of private- and government-owned assets, especially along coastlines.

The adverse effects of flooding are not unique to coastal areas. Urban areas are also susceptible to effects increased rainfall because of buildings, pavement, roads, and other man-made structures that do not absorb water-runoff. Flash-floods and river flooding can also have negative ramifications in areas all over the country in close proximity to bodies of water.[11]

Climate change leads to an increase in the severity, frequency, location, and duration of weather and occurrences of severe weather events. Areas that already experience weather with adverse local effects are likely to experience worse and more severe effects, whether that be by increased storm intensity, rates of rainfall, storm surges, or higher temperatures.[12] For example, since the 1980s, there has been a substantial increase in Atlantic hurricane activity that can be attributed to changes in local sea temperatures, human-activity-induced emissions of greenhouse gases, and particulate pollution.[13]

As aforementioned, rising sea levels and recurrent flooding are only one aspect of the estimated costs of global warming. An increase in the number and severity of droughts is another adverse effect of global warming. Droughts have a myriad of effects, including of water supply and surface water, drying of vegetation, and increase potential and severity of wildfires. The effect of droughts on wildfires can have an amplified adverse effect when rain follows the fire, potentially resulting in mudslides or other serious erosion.[14]

The emission of pollutants into the air is one of the major contributors to the greenhouse-gas-effect that results in the gradual increase in average temperature. They also result in the deterioration of air quality. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), air pollution results in 7 million deaths annually and costs an estimated $5.11 trillion in welfare losses globally.[15] China is the leading emitter of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, followed second by the United States with emissions of 9056.8 metric megatons and 4833.1 metric megatons, respectively. While China is the leads with overall emissions, the US emits more than twice as much per capita as China, trailing only Saudi Arabia and Australia in per capita emissions.[16]

Carbon dioxide from fossil fuel and industrial processes is the leading greenhouse gas emitted by human activities, composing 65 percent of all greenhouse gases. Methane, resulting from biomass burning, agricultural activities, and waste management composes 16 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. Per economic sector, agricultural, forestry, and other land usages along with result in nearly half of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Black carbon (commonly referred to as soot) is one example of a fine particulate that is the primary cause of air-pollutant related mortality. Other greenhouse gases, such as methane, are not directly harmful to human health, but they contribute to global warming.[17] Ounce-per-ounce, methane traps more heat in the atmosphere than carbon.[18] Additionally, methane indirectly affects human health by servicing as a precursor to ground-level ozone (also referred to as tropospheric ozone, also referred to as O3 or ozone).[19]

              Ozone is formed from a combination of hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, and sunlight. When inhaled, ozone can have a myriad of adverse effects on human health, including (but not limited to) eye irritation, damage to lung tissue, the initiation asthma attacks, chest pain, and worsening of heart disease, emphysema, and bronchitis.[20]

While small amounts of ozone naturally are found in the atmosphere, excessive amounts of ozone can cause considerable damage to crops, other plants found naturally in the ecosystem, and inhibits tree growth in certain species.[21] The damage caused by ozone on crops results in between $11-18 billion value of crop loss per year.[22] If concentrations of ozone in the lower atmosphere worsen, this valuation of loss will increase.

In addition to pollutant particles in the air, higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere promote the growth of plants that emit aeroallergens that can further affect outdoor and can infiltrate indoor air circulation. Higher pollen concentrations in the air in addition to longer pollen season can adversely affect human respiratory and cardiovascular health, can increase allergic reaction, asthma episodes, and therefore limit productivity at school and work.[23]

If we are to apply a pragmatic approach to analyzing climate change, it is clear that action ought to be taken to prevent further exacerbation of adverse effects of health, the environment, the economy, and on finances. If action is not taken out of consideration for the welfare of the citizens of the county and of the world, then action ought to be taken before conditions worsen to minimize the costs associated with addressing current symptoms of global warming and prevent potential future issues that could be even more costly.

It is important to robustly consider measures that are taken to address climate change rather than superficially choosing an approach to take. Some approaches that claim to be “climate friendly” or “the right choice”, but in reality, are not (or are not the best option). For example, the burning of biomass and other biofuels for transport or heating is often discussed as a way of being environmentally friendly, but in reality, the burning may emit more particulate matter than the methods that it replaced and thus continue to harm the environment.[24]

Expanding investments in nuclear provided energy is one way to address this growing issue. It is not only more efficient, but is better for global human health compared to current energy sources and is able to meet current demand. According to the Energy Information Administration, nuclear energy provided more carbon-free-produced electricity than all other sources combined.[25]

Approximately 85 percent of adults surveyed by Pew Research said that they were in favor of expanding reliance on solar and wind provided energy from farms. The public support for expanding nuclear-produced energy, however, is viewed favorable by only 43 percent of those surveyed. Nuclear energy is seen less favorably than offshore drilling and only slightly more favorably than expanding energy reliance from coal mining and fracking.[26]

Public opinion tends to be relatively unsupportive of expanding nuclear power, especially when seeing its failures on the media such as with the Fukushima meltdown in Japan in 2011. While such disasters are unfortunate, nuclear still proves to result in less deaths than fossil-fuel energy sources. Using nuclear power in place of these fossil-fuels has globally prevented approximately 1.8 million air-pollutant-related deaths. Replacing nuclear power with natural gas usage would result in an addition 420,000 deaths worldwide and replacing current nuclear-sourced energy with coal-based energy would result in an addition 8 million deaths.[27] When compared to the long-term costs (financial, effects on health, waste disposal, and etcetera), nuclear energy continues to be deemed as a lower-cost alternative and more efficient than other renewable sources and fossil fuels alike.[28]

              While public sentiment may be relatively unsupportive of nuclear energy compared to solar and wind, a pragmatic approach would advocate for a greater reliance on nuclear energy that current usage. When compared to other sources of energy production, nuclear energy has the highest capacity factor.[29] Capacity factor as defined as the ratio of net electricity generated, for a given time considered, to the energy that could have been generated if the energy source would have been operating at maximum capacity.[30] Since energy produced from renewable sources is contingent on the environment (amount of sunlight, presence of wind), there is variability in the energy they are able to produce. Solar, wind, and hydropower produced energy have capacity factors of 26.1, 37.4, and 42.8 percent, respectively. Coal and natural gas have capacity factors of 54 and 57.6 percent. Nuclear energy has a 92.6 capacity factor, making it by factor more efficient than other both renewable and non-renewable energy sources.[31]

With the changes in typical weather patterns that result from climate change, higher temperatures during the summer and lower-than-average temperatures in the winter will lead to increased demand for energy to meet cooling and heating costs.[32] From 2017 to 2018, US demand for energy increased 4 percent to reach almost 4,000 TWh. While renewable sources, nuclear, and natural gas meet some of the energy demand, CO2 emissions resulting from coal- and gas-powered plants still rose globally by 2.5 percent.[33] Therefore, when considering the cost and benefits of reliance on nuclear power compared to other sources, it is practical to expand this sector of energy production for the sake of human health and to realistically meet current energy demands.

In a study conducted specifically measuring the relationship with economics incentives for practicing “green” approaches to their business, it was found that there is a positive relationship between the small firm performance and green economic incentives. Older studies also show that improving the environment is not associated with harming business performance in larger firms.[34] While subsidies would be one way to provide financial incentives for firms making green investments, they would likely result in a deadweight loss to society at large, the cost of which will be paid for by taxpayers.[35]

In addition to the net loss to societies that results from subsidies, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) states that the renewable energy is now a cost-competitive source of power/energy. Renewable energy sources have been consistently experiencing cyclical reductions in costs. Since 2009, solar PV module prices have decreased by approximately 80 percent while wind turbine prices have also fallen by 30 to 40 percent.[36] By 2030, total costs are predicted to decrease by an additional 50 to 60 percent. The reduction in price could be further magnified with advancements in other climate-friendly fields, such as technology in power storage/battery technology.[37] These subsidies were designed to help a blossoming industry remain cost-competitive. Now that these firms have lowered costs to this point, the government no longer needs to provide money to these private firms and should allow free market competitive factors lead to improvements in the energy sector.

A popular method that would service as an incentive and has the goal of reducing carbon emissions is with a carbon cap-and-trade system. In its essence, this method creates permits issued by the government for the emission of a given amount of carbon by a firm. Companies would then be able to sell and trade these permits according to their carbon-producing needs.[38]

When more deeply considered, there could be other options that would be more cost and result effective than a carbon cap and trade system, such as with a carbon tax. While both methods who have the goal of limiting greenhouse emissions by providing an incentive for polluting firms who do not have to pay for the cost of pollution they create on society (and thus fixing a market failure), a carbon tax can be more economically efficient. A cap-and-trade system may result in price volatility and other policy errors resulting from uncertainty in the endogenous pricing model. The government is unlikely to have ample information and certainty from a given model they create to determine at what level to set the cap to correct the market failures without imposing additional burdens on firms that are passed to consumers in the form of higher prices.[39]

A carbon tax would limit government intervention, limit the potential influence that lobbyists would have on policy makers, provide an incentive for companies to lower costs by moving away from carbon-emitting activities (as opposed to the cap-and-trade system, where a company may be willing to take the incur the cost of a fine or be willing to purchase additional permits in order to continue current levels of carbon emissions), and would avoid potential problematic interactions with other climate-related policy measures.[40]


As previously discussed, the agriculture industry accounts for around 16 percent of greenhouse gas emissions.[41] An environmentally pragmatic approach can also be utilized to addressing issues in this sector in ways that may not be conventions or have a strong public following, but are nonetheless cost-effective ways to begin to address the issue of climate change.

Consider the livestock industry. Livestock (cattle in particular) produce methane (CH4) from their digestion of food in a process referred to as enteric fermentation. This accounts for one-third of the greenhouse gas emission from the agriculture sector. Manure management composes another 14 percent of emissions, and other processes such as liming, urea application, rice cultivation, and the burning of crop resides additionally contribute to the emission of compounds such as CH4, CO2, or nitrous oxide.[42]

The US is the leading producer of beef and veal products, followed by Brazil.[43] Brazil is also the largest exporter of beef.[44] Since the 1960s, cattle numbers in the Amazon River Basin has increased from 5 million to over 75 million. About 15 percent of the Amazon forest has been replaced and 80 percent of areas that have been deforested are now the home to pastures for cattle grazing. Annual expansion of cattle in the area is estimated to increase by 5 to 8 percent annually.[45]

A study conducted by NASA found that 1.4 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide are absorbed from the atmosphere.[46] Over the past 40 years, the Brazilian Arc of Deforestation has experienced a decrease in forest cover by over 24 percent.[47] If these rates are to continue, not only will we lose several different animal, plant, and insect to species to extinction and lose potential medical developments that could spur from discoveries of plants and herbs in the forest, but there will not be as many trees to help absorb carbon from the atmosphere.

Some of those who choose to live vegetarian lifestyles do so to minimize the demand for beef and other animal products. While that philosopher may be enough for some to minimize the impact of cattle farming in the US, Brazil, and other areas, many people would be unwilling to sacrifice the tasty, high-nutrition, and vitamin/mineral-packed meats from their diets.

There are several unique angles by which the issue if lowering the demand for cattle (and thus the demand for deforestation for cattle grazing). For example, there have been companies who have begun experimenting with and developing cultured meat. Cultured meat is developed by in vitro cultivation of animal cells rather than the killing of an animal. In a study conducted at Oxford University and Amsterdam University, lab-grown tissue would produce up to 96 percent less greenhouse gas emissions compared to conventional livestock in addition to requiring less energy.[48] Increasing demand for cultured meats would decrease demand for beef from slaughtered animals, and thus decrease the amount of methane produced and deforestation required for sustaining this industry.

Taking a pragmatic approach to environmentalism does not imply that there is any one given option by which climate change should be addressed; rather, policy measures that are being contended must first undergo rigorous consideration and be compared to other alternatives. The options that are to be chosen should be realistic in both terms of cost-effectiveness and desired outcomes achieved. Taking emotions and theoretical propositions out of the discussion allows for an objective analysis of the given issue. With such objectivity, it is clear that it is in the best short- and long-term interests of the United States along with the rest of the world to address climate change before it becomes even more costly to do so, or the ramifications of the hanging climate yield irreversible disastrous events.



A. Crimmins, et al. The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment. 2016. https://health2016.globalchange.gov/ (accessed November 24, 2019).

Anil Markandya, Paul Wilkinson. "Electricity Generation and Health." Energy and Health (The Lancet) 370, no. 9591 (September 2007): 979-990.

Beef2Live. U.S. Beef Imports: Ranking Of Countries. November 13, 2019. https://beef2live.com/story-beef-imports-ranking-countries-0-116237 (accessed November 25, 2019).

Brewster, Kyle. "Protectionist Trade Policies - The Wrong Move for America." Policy Brief, Maryville, 2018.

Bullock, Marcus M. JBLE brings a positive economic impact to the community. May 22, 2019. https://www.jble.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/1854791/jble-brings-a-positive-economic-impact-to-the-community/ (accessed November 24, 2019).

Clemens, Bruce. "Economic incentives and small firms: Does it pay to be green?" Journal of Business Research 59, no. 4 (April 2006): 492-500.

Dahlman, Rebecca Lindsey & LuAnn. Climate Change: Global Temperature. September 19, 2019. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-global-temperature (accessed November 25, 2019).

Department of Defense. "Report on Effects of a Changing Climate to the Department of Defense." Department of Defense, 2019.

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EPA. "Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data." 2019.

EPA.  Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Land Use/Forestry. Environmental Protection Agency. September 13, 2019. https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/sources-greenhouse-gas-emissions#land-use-and-forestry (accessed November 25, 2019).

Harvey, Fiona. "Artificial Meat Could Slice Emissions, Say Scientists." June 20, 2011.

IASS Potsdam. Air Pollution and Climate Change. 2019. https://www.iass-potsdam.de/en/output/dossiers/air-pollution-and-climate-change (accessed November 24, 2019).

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J. B. Veiga, J.F. Tourrand, R. Poccard-Chapuis and M.G. Piketty. "Cattle Ranching in the Amazon Rainforest." US Food and Agriculture Organization, 2003.

Lawerence H. Goulder, Andrew R. Schein. "Carbons Taxes Versus Cap and Trade: A Critical Review." Climate Change Economics 4, no. 3 (November 2013).

M.D. Velasco Gomez, et al. "A Long-Term Perspective on Deforestation Rates in the Brazilian Amazon." 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Berlin, 2015.

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Mueller, Mike. Nuclear Power is the Most Reliable Energy Source and It's Not Even Close. February 27, 2018. https://www.energy.gov/ne/articles/nuclear-power-most-reliable-energy-source-and-its-not-even-close (accessed November 24, 2019).

Mustafa Zia, James Hansen, Kim Hjort, and Constanza Valdes. Brazil Once Again Becomes the World’s Largest Beef Exporter. USDA. July 1, 2019. https://www.ers.usda.gov/amber-waves/2019/july/brazil-once-again-becomes-the-world-s-largest-beef-exporter/ (accessed November 25, 2019).

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Pew Research. The Politics of Climate. October 4, 2016. https://www.pewresearch.org/science/2016/10/04/public-opinion-on-renewables-and-other-energy-sources/ (accessed November 24, 2019).

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[1] Merriam Webster Dictionary. Pragmatic. 2019. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pragmatic (2019).

[2] Sabine, George H. "The Pragmatic Approach to Politics." The American Political Science Review (American Political Science Association) 24, no. 4 (November 1930): 865-885.

[3] The Constitution. "The Constitution of the United States: A Transcription." National Archives. (1787). https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/constitution-transcript

[4] NASA. “Overview: Weather, Global Warming and Climate Change”. Edited by Randal Jackson. (November 19, 2019). https://climate.nasa.gov/resources/global-warming-vs-climate-change/

[5] Department of Defense. "Report on Effects of a Changing Climate to the Department of Defense." (2019).

[6] Dahlman, Rebecca Lindsey & LuAnn. “Climate Change: Global Temperature”. (September 19, 2019). https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-global-temperature

[7] Department of Defense. "Report on Effects of a Changing Climate to the Department of Defense." (2019).

[8] Bullock, Marcus M. “JBLE brings a positive economic impact to the community”. (May 22, 2019). https://www.jble.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/1854791/jble-brings-a-positive-economic-impact-to-the-community/

[9] UCS. "The US Military on the Front Lines of Rising Seas". Executive Summary. UCSUSA. (2016). 119.

[10] UCS. "The US Military on the Front Lines of Rising Seas". (2016)

[11] National Climate Assessment. “Extreme Weather”. (2014). https://nca2014.globalchange.gov/highlights/report-findings/extreme-weather

[12] A. Crimmins, et al. “The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment”. (2016). https://health2016.globalchange.gov/

[13] National Climate Assessment. “Extreme Weather”. (2014).

[14] Department of Defense. "Report on Effects of a Changing Climate to the Department of Defense." (2019).

[15] World Health Organization. Health benefits far outweigh the costs of meeting climate change goals. (December 5, 2018). https://www.who.int/news-room/detail/05-12-2018-health-benefits-far-outweigh-the-costs-of-meeting-climate-change-goals

[16] UCS. "Each Country's Share of CO2 Emissions." (2019). https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/each-countrys-share-co2-emissions.

[17] IASS Potsdam. “Air Pollution and Climate Change”. (2019). https://www.iass-potsdam.de/en/output/dossiers/air-pollution-and-climate-change.

[18] Rebecca Lindsey, Michon Scott. "After 2000-era plateau, global methane levels hitting new highs." NOAA. (2017). https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/after-2000-era-plateau-global-methane-levels-hitting-new-highs.

[19] IASS Potsdam. “Air Pollution and Climate Change”. (2019).

[20] UCAR Center for Science Education. “Ozone in the Troposphere”. (2014). https://scied.ucar.edu/ozone-troposphere.

[21] National Parks Service. “Ozone Effects on Plants”. (April 11, 2019). https://www.nps.gov/subjects/air/nature-ozone.htm.

[22] IASS Potsdam. “Air Pollution and Climate Change”. (2019).

[23] A. Crimmins, et al. “The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment”. (2016).

[24] IASS Potsdam. “Air Pollution and Climate Change”. (2019).

[25] The Nuclear Energy Institute. “Climate”. (2019). https://www.nei.org/advantages/climate

[26] Pew Research. “The Politics of Climate”. (October 4, 2016). https://www.pewresearch.org/science/2016/10/04/public-opinion-on-renewables-and-other-energy-sources/

[27] Schrope, Mark. "Nuclear Power Prevents More Deaths Than It Causes." Environmental Science & Technology, (April 2013). 2.

[28] Anil Markandya, Paul Wilkinson. "Electricity Generation and Health." Energy and Health (The Lancet) 370, no. 9591 (September 2007): 979-990.

[29] Mueller, Mike. “Nuclear Power is the Most Reliable Energy Source and It’s Not Even Close”. (February 27, 2018). https://www.energy.gov/ne/articles/nuclear-power-most-reliable-energy-source-and-its-not-even-close.

[30] USNRC. “Capacity factor (net)”. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission. (March 21, 2019). https://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/basic-ref/glossary/capacity-factor-net.html.

[31] Mueller. “Nuclear Power is the Most Reliable Energy Source and It’s Not Even Close”. (2018)

[32] International Energy Agency. "Global Energy & CO2 Status Report." (2018). 1-15.

[33] International Energy Agency. "Global Energy & CO2 Status Report." (2018).

[34] Clemens, Bruce. "Economic incentives and small firms: Does it pay to be green?" Journal of Business Research 59, no. 4 (April 2006): 492-500.

[35] Brewster, Kyle. "Protectionist Trade Policies - The Wrong Move for America." Policy Brief. Maryville. (2018).

[36] IRENA. Costs. “International Renewable Energy Agency”. (2019). https://www.irena.org/costs

[37] Pablo Ralon, et al. "Electricity Storage and Renewables: Costs and Markets to 2030." Executive Summary, International Renewable Energy Agency. (2017). 1-20.

[38] Environmental Defense Fund. “How Cap and Trade Works”. (2019). https://www.edf.org/climate/how-cap-and-trade-works.

[39] Lawrence H. Goulder, Andrew R. Schein. "Carbons Taxes Versus Cap and Trade: A Critical Review." Climate Change Economics 4, no. 3 (November 2013).

[40] Goulder, Schein. “Carbons Taxes Versus Cap and Trade”. (2013).

[41] EPA. "Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data." (2019).

[42] EPA.  Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Land Use/Forestry. Environmental Protection Agency. (September 13, 2019). https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/sources-greenhouse-gas-emissions#land-use-and-forestry

[43] Shahbandeh, M. “US Beef Market - Statistics & Facts”. (March 15, 2018). https://www.statista.com/topics/1447/beef-market/

[44] Mustafa Zia, James Hansen, Kim Hjort, and Constanza Valdes. “Brazil Once Again Becomes the World’s Largest Beef Exporter”. USDA. (July 1, 2019). https://www.ers.usda.gov/amber-waves/2019/july/brazil-once-again-becomes-the-world-s-largest-beef-exporter/

[45] J. B. Veiga, J.F. Tourrand, R. Poccard-Chapuis and M.G. Piketty. "Cattle Ranching in the Amazon Rainforest." US Food and Agriculture Organization. (2003).

[46] NASA. “NASA Finds Good News on Forests and Carbon Dioxide”. (December 29, 2014). https://www.nasa.gov/jpl/nasa-finds-good-news-on-forests-and-carbon-dioxide

[47] M.D. Velasco Gomez, et al. "A Long-Term Perspective on Deforestation Rates in the Brazilian Amazon." 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Berlin, (2015).

[48] Harvey, Fiona. "Artificial Meat Could Slice Emissions, Say Scientists." June 20, 2011.