Convolutional Neural Network -- Image Recognition

Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Prediction


Loading packages and data

pacman::p_load(tidyverse, tidymodels, data.table, patchwork,
               keras, tensorflow)
train_df = fread("train.csv")
test_df = fread("test.csv")

Visualizing the Data

An example of what a single observation looks like from the data

ggplot(data = expand_grid(   
      y = 28:1,
      x = 1:28
    ) %>% mutate(value = train_df[2, -"label"] %>% unlist()),
       aes(x = x, y = y, fill = value)) + geom_raster() + coord_equal()

Note the slight differences in representation of the same digit

vec = c(2,5,6,18,24,55,64,70,99,109,111,112,115,130,142,147)
# Creating function to plot example of different unique digit values
gg = lapply(X = vec, FUN = function(i) {
  ggplot(data = expand_grid(
      y = 28:1,
      x = 1:28
    ) %>% mutate(value = train_df[i,-"label"] %>% unlist()),
    aes(x = x, y = y, fill = value)
  ) +
  geom_raster() +
  theme(legend.position = "none")
# Grid of examples
(gg[[1]] + gg[[2]] + gg[[3]]) /
  (gg[[5]] + gg[[6]] + gg[[7]]) /
   (gg[[9]] + gg[[10]] + gg[[11]])  /
    (gg[[13]] + gg[[14]] + gg[[15]])

An overview of the different values

gg = lapply(X = c(1,17,8,4,9,22,7,11,12), FUN = function(i) {
  ggplot(data = expand_grid(
      y = 28:1,
      x = 1:28
    ) %>% mutate(value = train_df[i,-"label"] %>% unlist()),
    aes(x = x, y = y, fill = value)
  ) +
  geom_raster() +
  theme(legend.position = "none")

(gg[[1]] + gg[[2]] + gg[[3]]) /
  (gg[[4]] + gg[[5]] + gg[[6]]) /
  (gg[[7]] + gg[[8]] + gg[[9]])


First to prepare the data for modeling

x.train = array_reshape(
   as.matrix(train_df[,-1]), c(nrow(train_df), 784))
x.test = array_reshape(
   as.matrix(test_df), c(nrow(test_df), 784))

# Dividing by range to scale values
x.train = x.train/max(x.train)
x.test = x.test/max(x.test)

y.train = to_categorical(train_df$label, 10)
## Loaded Tensorflow version 2.9.1

Creating our CNN model with keras

cnn_mod = keras_model_sequential() %>%
  layer_dense(units = 128, activation = 'relu', input_shape=c(784)) %>% 
  layer_dropout(rate = 0.2) %>%
  layer_dense(units = 64, activation = 'relu') %>%
  layer_dropout(rate = 0.01) %>%
  layer_dense(units = 10, activation = 'softmax')

cnn_mod %>% compile(
    loss = 'categorical_crossentropy',
    optimizer = optimizer_adam(lr = 0.01, beta_1 = 0.9, beta_2 = 0.99),    
    metrics = c('accuracy', 'categorical_crossentropy'))
## Model: "sequential"
## ________________________________________________________________________________
##  Layer (type)                       Output Shape                    Param #     
## ================================================================================
##  dense_2 (Dense)                    (None, 128)                     100480      
##  dropout_1 (Dropout)                (None, 128)                     0           
##  dense_1 (Dense)                    (None, 64)                      8256        
##  dropout (Dropout)                  (None, 64)                      0           
##  dense (Dense)                      (None, 10)                      650         
## ================================================================================
## Total params: 109,386
## Trainable params: 109,386
## Non-trainable params: 0
## ________________________________________________________________________________


Fitting model

fitted = cnn_mod %>%
    x = x.train, y = y.train,
    epochs = 250, 
    batch_size = 128,
    validation_split = 0.2)

##         Length Class  Mode
## params  3      -none- list
## metrics 6      -none- list

Results of model accuracy

cnn_mod %>% evaluate(x.train, y.train)
##                     loss                 accuracy categorical_crossentropy 
##                0.1209369                0.9927381                0.1209369